Apart from the 23 existing public houses that Otley has within it, at one time Otley actually contained up to and over 30 public houses. To view the Lost Pubs menu from your mobile device, click on the = sign.
Below you will find the locations of Otley’s lost pubs, that have either completely disappeared or have been converted into another business. Simply click on the markers on the map below to be shown a picture of the lost pub with a brief description or on the menu on the right to be taken to pages that give historical information about these forgotten places.
May be beyond your area but – An ancestor of mine was landlady at The Seven Stars Inn, Brame Lane, Clifton in the late 1800s/early 1900s (Mary Jane Marston, husband/landlord James Marston buried Otley 29-7-1909). The only pub in the area now seems to be The Sun Inn.
Can any of your members say whether the Seven Stars/Sun Inn are one and the same with a changed name? or, any info on the Seven Stars much appreciated.
Hi Neil
Thanks for the message. It’s not directly one of our pubs. But I can send a message out on our Social Medias to see if anyone can shed some light. Just give me the OK to share your message and I’ll go ahead.
Regards, Eddie (OPC)
Please note brame lane is in Norwood not Clifton as the previous thread stated.
Well spotted Stephen!
Otley Pub Club
Why isn’t Korks on the map; I always thought of it as a pub as well as restaurant, particularly the music venue at the rear.
Hi Dave
Thanks very much for your message. Oh how I miss Korks!
That’s always been a contentious issue within the Pub Club. When is a restaurant/bistro/cafe become a pub? We had to draw the line somewhere and we decided that we would class a pub (and hence bar) as a venue whose primary purpose was the sale of drinks. Rather than a venue whose primary purpose was the sale of food but also of course sell drinks. It’s a difficult one and always contentious. There are a few borderline cases that always raise a discussion!
Otley Pub Club