This Otley Pub Club event is run each year (Covid permitting) in conjunction with the annual Otley Victorian Fayre.
Otley Pub Club has been running a competition to choose the best ‘Victorian Alehouse’ in town during the annual Otley Victorian Fayre.
This generally involves the publican and staff dressing up in appropriate 19th century clothing, and decorating the pub to celebrate traditional Dickensian themes. Some people in the past have gone the extra mile by sending their children up the chimney to sweep it, gathering dried horse droppings to put on the fire, or even serving only by gaslight or candles.
The winning pub receives the magnificent Elise Brumfitt Trophy. For more information on Elise Brumfitt and why she is commemorated in this way, please go to: http://www.otleypubclub.co.uk/elise-brumfitt-remembered

This year we could not split the top two. So for the first time in history the Trophy will be shared between the magnificent Black Bull, and …..

…. the equally resplendent, Old Cock.
Very well done to both and thanks to all who entered. The trophy will take pride of place in each pub for 6 months.
Thanks also to the OPC committee members who contacted and circulated the pubs to engage participation. And also, who carried out the judging – Cheers!!
Some other highlights (?) below…..