The Cock & Bottle on Bondgate, goes back to at least the 1820’s (when the licencee was John Pawson at least 1822 to 1837)
In 1920 the Licence was opposed. At a licensing meeting for the Otley Division one Friday afternoon in March 1920, objections were made against several applications for renewal as a result of which the magistrates refused to continue the licenses of The Star Inn and The Cock and Bottle. Supt Blacker objected to the latter’s renewal in view of the character of the neighbourhood, the inadequate accommodation and the undesirability in the interests of the public.
The property, a Grade II listed building, is no longer an Inn and now forms part of Bondgate Bakery.
Listing details: C18 origin. 3 storeys in stone. Ground floor of No 28 rendered. Kneeler to left. Stone slate roof. 2 windows, stone surrounds, hung sashes. No 28 has C19 shop front. No 26 has one window and door with stone surrounds Formerly the Cock and Bottle Public House.
Or is it this one?